New E10 fuel could cause catastrophic damage to classic cars

New E10 fuel could cause catastrophic damage to classic cars

From September, filling stations will switch to E10 petrol – a greener alternative in line with the government’s plan to cut emissions. However, motorists are being warned that E10 is incompatible with some vehicles, including classic cars.

It is expected that the introduction of E10 petrol on UK roads will serve to reduce transport CO2 emissions by up to 750,000 tonnes per year. Still, there is growing concern over the number of motorists who will be excluded from this new scheme due to the incompatibility of their vehicles.

E10 has the potential to corrode brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber, plastic and fibreglass, all of which are commonly found in older vehicles. And it’s not just classic cars at risk either.

Studies show that even vehicles built in the early 2000s may be negatively affected by E10. These drivers have been warned against using E10 to fill up their vehicles until it has been confirmed that it is safe to do so.

Instead, motorists with older vehicles or classic or cherished cars will need to use the more expensive super unleaded petrol, as this will be the only maintained source of E5. Its price currently stands at 136.2p-a-litre, 14p more than standard petrol.

It is thought that this will have the most significant impact on lower-income drivers who may not be able to afford to replace their older model vehicle. Instead, they will have to fork out up to £7.50 more to fill up their tank with E5.

However, AA president Edmund King has suggested the switch to E10 will be more costly for all motorists, not just those with older vehicles:

‘Introducing E10 will add to fuel costs paid by motorists. Moving from E5 to E10 is estimated to reduce pump price petrol costs by 0.2 pence per litre. However, as the energy content of the fuel will also decrease, motorists will have to buy more litres of fuel. Overall fuel costs for petrol cars are therefore estimated to increase by 1.6% as a result of moving from E5 to E10.’

Simon Williams, spokesman for the RAC, also commented:

‘The switch to E10 petrol is clearly good news for the environment and will not affect the vast majority of the UK’s 33 million car drivers although some may see the number of miles they get from a tank go down as research suggests E10 is potentially slightly less efficient.’

Despite the environmental positives E10 will provide, Edmund King suggests that the increased prices and incompatibility with some vehicles has the potential to ‘rub many drivers up the wrong way.’

New E10 fuel could cause catastrophic damage to classic cars

[Image Source: Shutterstock, April 2021]

Will your vehicle be compatible with E10?

According to research thus far, the following vehicles may be incompatible with E10:

  • Classic and cherished vehicles
  • Older vehicles, particularly those built before 2000
  • Mopeds with an engine size of 50cc or under

Because of this, the Department for Transport is suggesting motorists use their new E10 Vehicle Compatibility Checker before September to avoid potential damage to their cars.

An investigation conducted by Hagerty UK – representatives of the classic car community -warns that ‘the introduction of E10 is the most significant threat to old cars since the switch from leaded to unleaded fuel.’

Unfortunately, however, the petrol retailers Association suggest that it will be up to older car owners to make modifications to their vehicle if they wish to use E10 petrol, rather than the more expensive super unleaded alternative:

‘You’ve either got to use fuel with no ethanol or change the materials that don’t like it. If you are in any doubt about your rubber fuel lines, change them. Get rid of your fibreglass petrol tank and install an aluminium one. The other thing ethanol really doesn’t like is solder. If you are running a soldered float in your carburettor, then think about carrying a spare – they’re generally quite easy to change,’ says Guy Lachlan, Managing Director of Classic Oils.

With potential modifications or increased fuel prices in mind, Hagerty UK has said that they ‘call on the Government and Petrol Retailers Association to accelerate information campaigns for drivers and riders. There may be extensive mechanical modifications required by some models, which can be a costly exercise – during an already challenging economic environment.’

Do the environmental benefits of E10 outweigh the potential risks to classic cars? Are you concerned that your vehicle will be incompatible with E10 petrol?

Let us know in the comments.

Supermarket giant leads the way for electric vehicle charge points

Supermarket giant leads the way for electric vehicle charge points

Electric vehicle charge points have been installed at over 600 Tesco stores by the UK’s largest free electric car charging network, Pod Point.

The charge points have provided users with over 10 million miles of carbon-neutral motoring, studies reveal, and are working as part of the government’s ‘build back greener’ scheme, designed to cut carbon emissions.

Tesco’s partnership with Volkswagen and Pod Point has recently resulted in providing its 500,000th free top-up, a colossal achievement that has been welcomed by transport secretary, Grant Shapps:

‘As we accelerate towards a cleaner and greener transport future, it’s great to see one of Britain’s most iconic household names leading the way with electric vehicle charge points.

‘In the time it takes to pick up the groceries, drivers up and down the country can now quickly and easily charge their cars, and with £2.5bn of government support to encourage their take-up, there has never been a better time to switch to an EV.’

Further research into the effects of the partnership also reveals that the scheme has served to reduce carbon emissions by approximately 2,120 tonnes. James Robinson for the Mail Online suggests that this is ‘the same as or more than 2,770 acres of forest will manage in a year.’

Clearly, this is a huge step forwards for the transport industry and shows the extent of their efforts to do their part to cut carbon emissions. Director of Volkswagen, Andrew Savvas, commented:

‘Our partnership with Tesco and Pod Point emphasises our commitment to carbon-neutral mobility for all, and we’re delighted to have reached this milestone – helping owners of all-electric car brands top up with free renewable energy while they’re doing their grocery shop.’

Supermarket giant leads the way for electric vehicle charge points

[Image Source: Shutterstock, April 2021]

Tesco’s busiest electric vehicle charge points

While over 600 Tesco stores now have free charge points, several have proven to be the busiest, indicating a higher up-take of electric vehicles in these areas. The top 5 busiest Tesco charge points were located in Slough, Stourbridge, Crawley, Altrincham and Bromley by Bow. These were closely followed by other areas such as Watford, Orpington and Hampshire.

It is clear that electric vehicle owners in locations up and down the country are making the most of these free charge points.

Chief operating officer at Tesco, Tony Hodgett, commented on the overall purpose of the partnership:

‘We are committed to reducing carbon emissions in all our operations and aim to be carbon neutral in the UK by 2035.

‘As part of this, we want to encourage our customers to play their part with the rollout of free-to-use EV chargers to 600 of our stores.

‘Providing customers with charging points offers them a sustainable choice, and giving them the opportunity to charge their car for free while they shop is a little help to make this easier.’

While Tesco’s partnership with Volkswagen and Pod Point is proving to be a positive contributor to cutting emissions, experts believe that charge point rollout is not in keeping with increased demand.

In fact, What Car? editorial director, Jim Holder, suggests that the number of charge point devices available needs to be at least 10- or 20-times that the current levels to cope with frequently increasing demand.

A report conducted by the Policy Exchange think-tank reveals that the number of public charge points currently stands at 35,000. They suggest that this will need to increase to 400,000 by 2030 to keep up with demand, especially when considering electric vehicle numbers in the UK currently stand at 108,205. This is already an increase of 185 per cent compared to 2019, highlighting the rate at which demand for charge points will accelerate in the coming years.

Despite this challenging statistic, however, Tesco’s partnership with Pod Point is leading the way for the challenge to be met:

‘The partnership is making great strides towards our goal of delivering the nation’s largest retail EV charging network – one that is reliable, accessible, secure and free, making it even easier for drivers to choose electric and accelerate adoption,’ says Pod Point Founder and CEO, Erik Fairbairn.

The UK has a legal target to reduce greenhouse gases to ‘net zero’ by 2050, and it seems that partnerships such as these will pave the way for that goal to be met.

Have you charged your electric vehicle at a Tesco charge point recently? Will Tesco’s partnership with Pod Point encourage you to make the switch to an electric vehicle?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

London’s congestion charge causes pollution levels to climb

London’s congestion charge causes pollution levels to climb

London’s congestion charge – designed to reduce levels of traffic and thus harmful emissions – appears to be having the opposite of the desired effect, a study shows.

Professor Colin Green and his colleagues at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have studied pollution levels over London since the introduction of the charge in 2003. They have found that the levels of some pollutants, such as the harmful nitrogen dioxide, have risen by up to 20%.

Professor Green suggests that this is due to the increased usage of buses and taxis, both of which are exempt from the charge:

‘To get people onto public transport, the buses and black cabs were exempt from the charge,

‘Bus departures and routes were expanded after introducing the charge in the city centre. Bus and taxi traffic increased by more than 20 per cent.

‘The problem was that all the buses and London taxis ran on diesel.

Unfortunately, despite a reduction in some pollutants, the increased levels of nitrogen dioxide are a real cause for concern.

Nitrogen dioxide occurs with the burning of fossil fuels and can be dangerous or even fatal if concentration and exposure levels are high. It is a particular concern for high-risk groups such as people with asthma, children and older adults.

Nitrogen dioxide also works to trap heat, having a detrimental impact on the environment and the planet overall.

Professor Green highlights the issues with nitrogen dioxide in the study by stating:

‘Fifty thousand people are estimated to die prematurely in the UK every year due to air pollution,’ states Professor Green.

‘Before the coronavirus, exhaust was the fastest-growing cause of death globally.

‘In fact, researchers in Germany have found that exposure to exhaust leads to a sharp increase in coronavirus mortality.’

With this in mind, motorists and experts alike have begun to question whether the congestion charge – which currently stands at £15 per day – can be justified if it is not having the desired effect. Professor Green goes as far as to suggest the congestion charge scheme was flawed from the start:

‘In London, there are hardly any electric cars or buses that run on environmentally friendly fuel,

‘A tax in the most congested areas without any measure to reduce the number of diesel vehicles hasn’t had the desired effect on air quality,

‘Reducing traffic isn’t the same as reducing air pollution.’

‘We argue the NO2 increase likely reflects the incentives that the charging scheme provided to shift towards diesel-based transportation.’

The study suggests that while the government is putting into place newer schemes to drive down emissions and improve air quality across the country, older schemes should be reviewed to ensure they are in keeping with the overall mission.

London’s congestion charge causes pollution levels to climb

[Image Source: Shutterstock, April 2021]

The congestion charge may not be working, but what is?

While London’s congestion charge may not be driving down pollution as much as was once predicted, the government are frequently putting other schemes into place to help cut emissions and improve environmental health.

The first of these began with the Paris Agreement back in 2015 – an international agreement to ensure the increase in global temperature does not exceed 2 degrees Celsius.

This served to kick start other schemes: the government’s announcement to become carbon neutral by 2050, for example. This includes planting more trees and installing ‘carbon capture’ technology to reduce emissions.

Following this, the government announced that the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles would be banned by 2040, before bringing this date forward by a decade to 2030. Within this are multiple schemes to encourage motorists to switch to electric vehicles, including electric vehicle grants and investment into public charge point technology.

While it is clear that the government is going above and beyond to ‘build back greener’, some environmental experts believe it is not enough. The congestion charge study has only served to support this belief further.

Tanya Steele, Chief Executive at WWF, claims that the government is: ‘out of touch with the scale of the climate challenges and that not enough is being done ‘for people and for our planet.

‘To avoid catastrophe, we need a low-carbon, nature-powered recovery – and we don’t have many chances left.’

Do you think the congestion charge is justified, or is it a flawed scheme that needs reworking? Is the government doing enough to reduce emissions and decrease levels of pollution?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Electric vehicles given huge boost by government’s £30million investment

Electric vehicles given huge boost by government’s £30million investment

Electric vehicles are set to benefit from a huge £30 million cash injection over the coming months, the government has recently announced. The plan will involve investing more funding into electric and hydrogen vehicle production in another attempt to meet the 2030 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles.

The budget will be split amongst varying projects focused on producing large quantities of high-quality electric and hydrogen vehicles that meet the government’s ‘go-green’ criteria.

A large proportion of the investment (£22.6 million) will be set aside for Faraday Institution Projects with the aim of funding early-stage commercial development across several areas. These areas will include extending battery life, battery modelling, solid-state batteries, battery safety and the recycling and reuse of batteries, to name but a few.

This will allow for further understanding of battery safety and enable manufacturers to develop electric vehicle batteries that are both sustainable and reusable.

The remaining £9.4 million will be used to bolster plans for building a plant designed specifically to extract lithium for use in electric vehicle batteries, as well as a plant dedicated to building magnets for electric vehicle motors and another for lightweight hydrogen storage for cars and vans.

The government believes that this taxpayer-backed funding will be ‘crucial’ to the success of the 2030 petrol diesel ban and the ongoing efforts to cut carbon emissions.

Gerry Grimstone, Investment Minister, commented on this latest announcement, saying:

‘We have set an ambitious target to phase out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. To support that, it is crucial we invest research so we can power ahead with the shift to electric vehicles as we build back greener from the pandemic.’

A statement given by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Services also welcomed the announcement, highlighting specifically the positive impact it will have on the UK:

‘Research into alternative ways to power vehicles is a fundamental part of this transition, ensuring the UK remains a world leader in automotive technology and boosting jobs and skills in regions leading the way.

Chief executive at Faraday Institution, Professor Pam Thomas, also praised the investment decision and gave insight into how the institution intends to use the funding:

‘With our projects maturing and now delivering scientific discoveries we have bolstered our commercialisation team and capability and strengthened our commercialisation strategy.

‘In doing so, we are directing even more effort towards those areas of battery research that offer the maximum potential of delivering commercial, societal and environment impact for the UK.’

The investment and the doors it will open in terms of research, the government claims, will result in improved electric and hydrogen vehicle performance and allow the UK to continue leading the way to a cleaner, more sustainable transport future.

Electric vehicles given huge boost by government’s £30million investment

[Image Source: Shutterstock, April 2021]

How else is the government preparing for the switch to electric vehicles?

As well as this newly announced funding, the government is tackling their growing desire to boost electric vehicle uptake from various angles.

Motorists can currently make use of an electric vehicle grant, cutting the cost of an electric vehicle by up to £2,500. The grant aims to encourage ‘as many people as possible to make the switch to the electric vehicles as we look to reduce carbon emissions’, says Transport Minister Rachel Maclean.

There has also been a recent focus on improving charge point reliability after studies showed that motorists were deterred from making the electric vehicle switch due to charging concerns.

The new legislation will mean that every motorway service area in England will need to have at least six open-access charge points by 2023. This will increase to 2500 charge points across the road network by 2030. It will more than double again to 6000 by 2035.

RAC Spokesman, Rod Dennis, suggests that this will ensure electric vehicle charging at motorway service stations will be ‘fast, reliable and easy to pay for so drivers can make longer journeys with the minimum amount of fuss’, serving to reduce concerns about switching to an electric vehicle.

It is clear that the government’s plan to ‘build back greener’ is continuing to move forwards in the hope of hitting their 2030 milestone, and every effort is being made to encourage as many drivers as possible to make the electric vehicle switch.

Will you be making the electric vehicle switch? Are you encouraged by the government’s efforts to ‘build back greener’? Or are you satisfied with your petrol or diesel vehicle?

Let us know in the comments.

Petrol sales suffered 20% drop in 2020

Petrol sales suffered 20% drop in 2020

How often did you drive your car in 2020? With months of lockdown and year-long travel restrictions in place, you likely used your vehicle considerably less in 2020 than usual. Official statistics this week reveal that this caused petrol sales to drop by an average of 20 per cent.

Compared to 2019, the sale of unleaded dropped by 20.9 per cent in 2020, and diesel by 15.9 per cent.

Interestingly, the drop was particularly noticeable for supermarket retailers, despite them being one of the few retailers permitted to remain open across all through national lockdowns.

Statistics show that supermarkets suffered a 22.3 per cent drop in fuel sales last year, making them the worst-hit fuel retailer. It is thought that restricted travel, increased supermarket delivery options and unwillingness to travel to larger stores could be blamed for the fall.

In contrast, localised fuel retailers – often smaller and more easily accessible for drivers unwilling to travel to larger supermarkets – will have seen higher fuel sales than larger supermarket retailers. However, it is likely that a reduction in traffic will still have impacted their sales.

AA fuel spokesman, Luke Bodset, commented on the supermarket decline in petrol sales, saying: ‘The greater impact of lockdown-restricted travel on supermarket petrol sales compared to trade in general is a little surprising given that superstores have remained open throughout the pandemic.’

However, he also acknowledged that a decline was inevitable: ‘Fuel sales were always going to take a huge hit from car travel falling as low as 22 per cent (recorded in April 2020, when the toughest travel restrictions were in place) of pre-pandemic levels.’

He concluded positively, suggesting that petrol sales had not been impacted as much as had been expected:

‘However, supermarkets continuing to trade suggested better fuel sales resilience, although the boom in grocery deliveries will also have meant fewer visits to the stores’ forecourts.’

Now that restrictions are gradually lifting, an increase in travel and therefore fuel sales is being anticipated.

Chairman of the Petrol Retailers Association (PRA), Brian Madderson, confirmed this expectation, stating that although ‘the drop in petrol and diesel volumes can be directly attributed to the unprecedented Covid-19 travel restrictions placed upon motorists’, he is expecting a ‘strong bounce-back’ as the country beings to open up once more.

He also suggested that despite growing numbers of electric vehicles being registered across the country, there are still over 40 million drivers who will still rely on petrol and diesel to get them from A to B:

‘While there has been growing demand for electric vehicles, their market share remains very modest.

‘With over 40 million combustion engines (ICE) vehicles still driving in the UK economy, we expect fuel volumes to experience a strong bounce-back once restrictions have been lifted for good.’

Petrol sales suffered 20% drop in 2020

[Image Source: Shutterstock, March 2021]

What will the fall in petrol sales mean for petrol prices?

During the first part of the pandemic, the price of petrol nosedived to below £1-a-litre – a low that was last recorded in 2016.

Again, much like the fall in sales, the fall in price was caused by a lack of demand, leading to oversupply and a lack of storage.

Since then, however, petrol prices have been steadily rising. It is anticipated that they will continue to do so as more and more restrictions are lifted, allowing motorists to travel further and more often again.

The RAC has suggested that by the time the current lockdown ends entirely in June of this year, we could see petrol prices hiked up to record highs, potentially reaching 143p-a-litre for petrol and 148p-a-litre for diesel.

The price of oil may also nudge prices upwards, with some analysts predicting a barrel of oil could be priced at $80, potentially even reaching $100 by 2022.

Currently, fuel prices stand at around 126p-a litre, meaning that drivers are now forking out an extra £6.33 to fill a tank than they were in the autumn of 2020.

Luke Bodset has suggested that while lifted restrictions will be a positive step forward for the economy and fuel retailers alike, it is motorists who will feel the effects of increased fuel prices:

‘As they struggle to get their working lives and family finances back on an even keel after Covid, there is going to be a real sense of being under assault for needing to drive a car.’

Did you feel the benefit of needing less fuel for travel in 2020? Are you worried that petrol prices will rise further as restrictions are lifted?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.