Many of you will have noticed that on Sunday 7th April PetrolPrices completely changed its branding, website and app. The primary goal of these change is to make the service even better and we hope at some point to explain the direction it will take in future.

The project has been a lot more difficult to achieve as the entire system had to be rebuilt from scratch and this has proved very challenging for the team.

The in-house development team has only been in place since the end of January and in that time they have done a great deal of work, but need more time to complete everything so that it’s all working correctly, so please bear with us.

Here is a list of the most common reported issues and an update for each one:
• Price alerts or newsletter not received – all emails had to be switched off so that we could repair the systems that support them being sent to ensure accuracy and compliance. If you’ve come to this through the email, it means they’re up and running and back to normal

• Map not visible on the app – we decided to take the map off the first new app release to de-risk the relaunch because adding in map creates a lot more load on the app, but the map on the app is coming in the next major release in May 2019

• Location detection always on the app – without location detection turned on, the app is not able to serve fuel prices or personalised messages in your location. However, we are working to minimise the number of location calls in order to lessen the load on your phone

• Can’t reset password or log in – there was a lot of initial teething problems with this due to switching the database, but it does appear to have been resolved in the latest update. If you are still having trouble on the app, please use forgot password function on the website as this contains a link to the change your password page

• Block notification on web fuel search – we need to put our hands up on this and admit it was only when we went live did we realise that if you don’t allow location on the web browser, the search stops working and you can’t get it working again. This is something we are looking to resolve as quickly as possible

• Accuracy of price data by fuel grade – we could create a whole article just about this section. Fundamentally the way the search works has been completely changed. We believe that most of the problems are resolved. If a price is not correct YOU the user can update the price and earn points for it in the app.

Some members have already reported these issues to us, but if you find something you need help with then visit or contact Support via There is also a Support chat facility live on site.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.

PetrolPrices Team